I posted this on Lee Fang's SubStack

I believe these mini-bombs qualify as booby traps - which, if I read correctly, the Geneva Convention explicitly prohibits:

Per the Geneva Convention -

Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW): This convention, which includes its Protocol II on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices, sets out several key points:

Prohibited Uses: Booby traps designed to cause harm through everyday objects or in ways that target civilians are explicitly banned. This includes attaching booby traps to or associating them with items like medical facilities, children's toys, food or drink, religious objects, and cultural heritage sites.

Indiscriminate Harm: The use of booby traps in a manner that does not discriminate between combatants and civilians is prohibited. This means they cannot be used in ways that would cause harm to civilians or civilian objects indiscriminately.

Unnecessary Suffering: Booby traps must not be designed or used in a way that causes superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering to combatants.

This is out of hand, how much more can pressure is going to be brought to bear before the whole thing explodes? More than anything, this convinces me how weak the US is right now. This isn't going to end well. Vote this November like your life depends on it....

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Israeli device attacks will do more than BDS ever could to inspire corporate boycotts.

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