Would you please share a secure email contact for you? :~)

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To first approximation, there is no such thing as secure email. My signal username is @poulson.01.

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Thanks, infosec nuance noted & Signal name does not help me compose an email.. my travels in cyberspace are a bumpy ride but do my best to make the effort worth it! :~)

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I take seriously my duty to keep any potential sources -- including anyone reading this -- safe, and I want to make clear that I don't want to receive any sensitive information by email. Should anyone have something to share, please reach out with disappearing messages on Signal, potentially with a pseudonym. And, it goes without saying, if you work for any company or agency, do not reach out with a phone that is in any way associated with your employer, as they might have access to more of your communications than you think.

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Five days after I wrote my above comment, news broke of Apple reportedly getting a hold of thousands of Signal messages between one of its employees and journalists at The Wall Street Journal and The Information.


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